Book Review: C. S Lewis: A Life by Alister McGrath (Four Stars)

Book Review: Book Review: C. S Lewis: A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet by Alister McGrath

Four Stars out of Five

A welcome addition to my shelf of books about C. S. Lewis, just below my shelf of books by C. S. Lewis. While perhaps not a definitive biography, A Life gives the reader insights to how and how badly Lewis was injured during World War One and the enigmatic Mrs. Moore. McGrath also proposes a new chronology of Lewis’ famous conversion to Christianity. Lots of good insights. Did you know Lewis nominated J. R. R.Tolkien for the Nobel Prize in Literature?

McGrath’s thesis is that it is hard for us to know this Oxford don and Cambridge professor who died just over fifty years ago because Continue reading

Movie Review: Frozen (3 Stars)

Frozen Frozen

(3 out of 5 stars)

BEWARE: Spoilers

(Seen twice: once in theaters, once on Blu-Ray)

Whoever writes liner notes for Disney must be illiterate. “Walt Disney Studios presents a chilly twist on one of the most humorous and heartwarming stories ever told.” Hans Christian Andersen’s “Snow Queen”? I don’t think so. The original Snow Queen was more like the White Witch in C. S. LewisNarnia than the older sister of this adaptation. In fact, this entire story is pretty much cut from whole cloth. (Not that that’s a bad thing, and not that Disney hasn’t turned fairy tales inside out before–often to good effect.)

Making the protagonists sisters was genius. Continue reading