Book Review: The Tropic of Serpents by Marie Brennan (Three Stars)


Book Review: The Tropic of Serpents (The Memoirs of Lady Trent #2) by Marie Brennan

Three Stars

“It is said there are no atheists in war; there are lots of pantheists at the edge of the cliff.”

Listened to this as an audio book. The story is Trent’s usual fall-in-mud-and-emerge-smelling-like-a-rose, not to mention saving the day, story.

“Not so lucky as to be an idiot, at least in so far as this is concerned.”

Kate Reading nailed Lady Trent’s Received Pronunciation and several other accents as well. However, while it’s fun to read, it’s a pain to listen to for ten hours. Probably won’t try this again, though this narrative made the miles flash by.

“I cannot be glad for the death of mean, even my enemies.”

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